Char-Broil Big Easy Oil-less Turkey Fryer

$ 119.99

Brand: Sportman's Supply, Inc.

Ask anyone to describe food prepared inside The Big Easy and "juicy" is the first word you're likely to hear - followed by tender, moist, and flavorful. Instead of oil, the infrared heat penetrates the meat evenly and seals the juices inside. The result is a bird that¬タルs moist inside and crispy outside¬タヤjust as fried turkey should be. Turkeys cooked in the Big Easy are prepared the same way as in traditional fryers and can be injected with marinades. However, the Big Easy allows for the use of rubs and seasoning flavor to be used on the outside, which can wash away with traditional turkey fryers. A removable drip pan located underneath the Big Easy heating chamber catches all the bird's flavorful juices, allowing cooks to retain the essential ingredients of homemade gravy for further preparation on the stovetop. A healthy alternative to oil frying, the Char-Broil Big Easy actually does more than just fry turkeys, it can also safely cook chicken, pork tenderloin, beef roast, and most large cuts of meat up to 16 pounds, all in about 8 to 10 minutes per pound. Doneness is determined not by cook time, but by the turkey's internal temperature, which is safely measured using a meat thermometer included with the Big Easy.